April 25th: Judicial Candidates Forum

Judge races in Philadelphia are often obscured by the hubbub over other higher level political contests and the glut of candidates who are running for office.
Everyday voters in our communities who are busy with keeping a roof over their heads and taking care of their families usually have limited bandwidth to learn about the many candidates running to be a judge. With what time they have they often prioritize learning about candidates for mayor, city council and district attorney or federal level races. But judges have so much power over our communities. They decide whether to incarcerate us or our loved ones or to instead offer diversionary programs. They decide whether our neighbors will be giving lengthy probations tails that will keep them getting caught up on the treadmill of the system and so much more. We should understand what their values are and where they stand on the issues facing us.
That’s why it’s important for us to create forums to learn about the candidates and why it’s important for organizations like Amistad Movement Power to vet candidates and make recommendations. On Tuesday, April 25th Amistad Movement Power will join with 215 People's Alliance, Human Rights Coalition, Straight Ahead, Free The Ballot and Amistad Movement Power to host a judicial candidates forum at Pipeline Philly at 30 S. 15th Street 15th Floor.
People directly impacted will ask the questions for judge precise questions aimed at finding out what they believe and how they would act if elected. The forum will be a great place to learn about the candidate and decide who you will be backing for judge. We hope you can join us!