A Community Safety Agenda for Philadelphia

people gathered holding signs "We the People Choose Democracy" and "Say His Name Walter Wallace" prominently featured

“Tough on crime” policies have failed us. Even though crime rates are declining, gun violence still plagues our communities and people don’t FEEL safe.  


It’s Time For A REAL Community Safety Agenda in Philadelphia! Join Us:


Join us Thursday, September 26th at 6:30pm on Zoom for a virtual townhall on community safety. Zoom recap coming soon!


Kick it with us at the Community Safety Agenda Block Party on Sunday, October 13th from 1-5pm at Malcolm X Park. FREE FOOD and goodies to take home!


Join us on Thursday, October 17th at 6:30pm for the Community Safety Agenda Townhall, Holy Apostles & the Mediator Church 260 S 51st Street. FREE FOOD and goodies to take home! Register HERE.


Join us to learn how to effectively protect voters' rights and bring joy to the polls on Election Day at our Election Defender Training, Thursday October 24th, 6:30PM at 924 Cherry Street. Register HERE.


SAVE THE DATE: Saturday, October 26th--On this 4th anniversary of the murder of Walter Wallace Jr. at the hands of police, join us for a rally and community forum for non-police mental health crisis response in West Philly.


Philadelphia Deserves REAL Community Safety


If police and prisons were the only ways to keep us safe, the United States would be the safest country in the world. Philadelphia spends more money on police and jails than anything else in the city. America has more people incarcerated than anywhere else on the globe. 


Our communities need resources to keep us safe and to heal from generations of violence. At Amistad Law Project and Amistad Movement Power, we are fighting for–and voting for– a vision of public safety beyond what the criminal legal system currently offers.


We believe that Philadelphia should invest in:


  • Mobile Crisis Teams
  • Free and Accessible Mental Health and Trauma Services
  • Street-based Violence Interrupters and Credible Messengers
  • Restorative Justice Programs
  • Programming for Youth (including deeper investments in Parks & Recreation and Public Libraries), and
  • Proven, Public Health-driven Harm Reduction 


Let’s Talk About It!

As we go to the polls this general election season, we want to push our elected leaders to commit to enacting a non-carceral community safety agenda, at the city, state and federal level. Follow this page to stay up to date for additional on upcoming events!


Take the Pledge!

Ready to vote for a community safety agenda for Philly? Sign up HERE to keep in touch!


Resources for Voters:

  • Register to vote HERE

  • Apply to Vote by Mail HERE

  • Check your voter registration status HERE

  • Find your polling location HERE

  • Track your submitted absentee/mail-in ballot HERE

  • Find your closest Philadelphia satellite election office HERE


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