Celebrating Our Volunteers and Gearing Up for the Spring Election

a group of people gathers together for a photo at Amistad Movement Power's volunteer celebration and holds a poster of endorsed candidates

Last fall we fought for our lives. An extreme right wing Christian nationalist who championed new harsh mandatory minimum prison sentences for people in addiction wanted to be Governor. A snake oil salesman TV personality peddled ‘tough on crime’ attacks to try to grab a Senate seat. We defeated them both.

In victory we must celebrate and most importantly we must celebrate those who brought us there: the people. Last fall we ran a neighborhood get out the vote canvass in Germantown and West Philly. Together with Free The Ballot and Straight Ahead we talked to thousands of voters and got them out to vote. Of course we had to show some love for people who volunteered with Amistad Movement Power to mobilize our neighbors and made the difference.

a crowd gathers at AMP volunteer celebration

On Sunday, March 5th we held a volunteer appreciation celebration and movement meet and greet. People gathered to share food, build with each other and reflect on our accomplishments. Importantly we set our eyes on the road ahead. We spoke about the candidates Amistad Movement Power is endorsing in the Spring primary and why we need to elect Helen Gym -a champion for everyday people who comes out of movements for justice- to be Mayor of Philadelphia.

an AMP volunteer holds his award at the volunteer celebration ceremony

We also spoke about our plans to get Helen Gym and other movement candidates elected. Starting in April every weekend we will host volunteer canvasses in Germantown and West Philly with Straight Ahead to talk to our neighbors about our endorsed candidates. This election is pivotal and will will shape our city and the policies that impact our neighborhoods for years to come. We could win fully funded non-police mobile crisis teams, affordable housing to stop displacement and we can make the wealthy pay what they owe for city services so we can fix our city. However, to do so we need to build a movement and put in the work to make it happen. Sign up below to talk to members of our communities and mobilize them to the polls this Spring so we can win big for our neighborhoods.


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