100 Moms Coalition Holds Press Conference Against Stop-and-Frisk Policing

On Thursday, April 27 at 11 AM, the 100 Moms Coalition of Philadelphia held a press conference at City Hall decrying recent calls from political candidates to reignite stop-and-frisk. In recent political discussions, a number of candidates have employed “tough on crime” rhetoric that stokes fear and puts our community members at risk. Other candidates have side-stepped the issue, failing to denounce unconstitutional and violent policies that target Black, Brown, and poor communities.
"Stop and frisk is a public health issue,” said Rasheeda Bagwell. “We the mothers have to be the doctors and stop the bleeding.”
Police in Philadelphia have a proven track record of racial bias in their use of stop and frisk. It’s been shown to compound trauma in vulnerable communities and further erode trust in police. Beyond its inherent racism, stop and frisk does not produce public safety. Studies have shown firearms are only confiscated in roughly 1% of stop and frisk encounters.
“I am a mother, grandmother, and great grandmother to black males,” said Doris Abdul-Mateen. “The fact that my sons and daughters can be stopped and frisked for no reason other than walking in the skin they were born in does nothing to improve the crime rate. The fact that I have to have a talk with them on how to engage with police is abhorrent to me.”
The 100 Moms Coalition of Philadelphia is calling for investments that lift up our communities and cast a positive vision for a future where everyone can thrive.
“Stop and Frisk is not a viable solution,” said Jennifer Turnbull. “There is way too much data for Philadelphia, a majority Black city, to even consider this practice safe, effective, or constitutional. If you want an initiative to support, start investing in the public community programs and spaces that actually keep our children safe, engaged, and thriving.”